Looking for the latest barn news? Check out our monthly Newsletter below!
February 2018 Barn Newsletter
Hello All!
I hope everyone has been able to enjoy the mild weather as it has come and gone! There have been so many changes here at the barn and I’m hoping that a monthly or bi-monthly newsletter will be a positive one! I plan to talk about changes, improvements, goals, new people, and events! Please let me know if there is something you would like in the newsletter (birthdays and updates).
As most of you know our riding instructor situation has been difficult. We now have a few different instructors available! Ed Golembeski, Elissa Lennon, and Becca Castine. All who are a fantastic addition to Craig Equestrian Center with their vast knowledge and skills! A big thank you to them for stepping up to the plate and helping us out!
Did you know we have a website and Facebook page?! Check it out: www.craigequestriancenter.com and like us on Facebook! Please go online and give us a review!
One of our biggest priorities this spring and early summer is going to be cleaning up and really improving the facility. We hope to replace many posts and boards to really ensure the safety (and containment in some cases 😊) around the barn. We will be having a clean-up weekend Saturday April 14, 2018 and Sunday April 15, 2018. I would like to make it a spring get together as well on Saturday evening. If weather is good we can do some BBQing and have a good time! We can always set up in the arena. I’m hoping to have a sign-up sheet in the Arena Barn office sometime in March, so be on the look-out!
We hope to have more of our own clinics and events this year. Please, if there is something specific you would like to see, let us know! Always check our website and of course the newsletter for dates and times.
Some reminders for everyone, please always make sure when you open a bale of hay that you take the bale strings out and put them in the appropriate place. Horse’s digestive systems and bale strings do not mix well. Also, please remember when using the arena (or hallway) to pick up after yourself and your horse.
Saturday April 14, 2018 – Clean Up Day 1 and Get Together
Sunday April 15, 2018 – Clean Up Day 2
Saturday May 5, 2018 – Annual ECTRA 25 Mile Competitive Trail Ride (more details to come next month.) Questions? Ask Bert
February Birthdays!
6th Britney Rosewarne
20th Amber Tergliafera
Happy Birthday Ladies!
Have a fun and safe February!
~ Ashlea